Yesus Kristus hohos na
Maria mabe Yesus
Raa ro majus mama mbam ti timur
Yusuf ysya Maria msam mamoʼt negri ro Mesir
Herodes ybis raa mame ku mkek
Yusuf ysya Maria mhah me mbam Mesir
Yohanes yawe kʼraa yawe, “Nashana oh!”
Yohanes baptis Yesus
Kabes yabi sanet Yesus
Yesus yamoʼt provinsi ro Galilea
Yesus ytu kuber wAit ro tinyi mama kro Ait
Yesus watum raa tna yisoh raa ro kiyam moof ye
Yesus watum raa mam faut
Raa ro kbe mhau simaut mase
Haa msya kek
Yesus ykyas bo ro Musa ykom
Maja ro natmof raa
Maja ro skabuk
Maja ro mhau bo mait
Yesus yerif iso ro raa mame kta
Nnaut bo mamo-me ma
Nmat sas raa roto ma.
Watum ro Allah to, nkyas kʼraa ro hawe mari to ma
Nyoh bo kʼAllah
Iso ro ati to mtit
Raa ro mawe ana moof to, ana ja mno bo ro moof fe mfe a?
Raa ro yhar bo msya raa ro wase bo
Raa ro mari bo ro Yesus ykyas mrok ktak
Yesus yisoh ait ro kiyam kusta sait
Yesus yisoh sryan raa sbe ro Roma sait
Yesus yisoh raa ro kiyam mawat
Raa ro mawe kro Yesus
Yesus bhah foos tibyo mrok mnem
Yesus yisoh raa mabo ewok ro kabes mbo
Yesus yisoh ait ro yaa msya yatem mhai sait
Matius ro yoo namabyoh
Maja ro mhau bo mait
Fai sau ro mafa mees
Yesus yisoh raa mabo ewok ro masu mboh
Yesus yisoh raa ro ymai marak sait
Yesus ymat raa makin tna yatmof ana
Kuber ro Yesus wAit mabo 12
Yesus yerif bo ro kbe kuber wAit mamo mno
Bo mkair ro meen mai kʼraa
Yesus yisti raa miranya fee
Yohanes Pembaptis ytu bo kʼYesus
Yesus kmo raa ro mashana fee
Nma no kʼYesus
Yesus ykyas ayõ ro raa ntmoh
Yesus yisoh raa mam ayõ ro raa ntmoh (hari Sabat)
Yesus tait Raabis ro Allah ysok
Yesus ysya kabes Beelzebul
Raa ro Farisi mawe Yesus yno bo ro msai
Kabes hah ye u
Yesus yme msya yao na mama mo kʼAit
Bofret bi sait furere benih mam armato rait
Bofret ro bosafom moo srioh gandum
Bo manaf (benih) ro maku
Yesus betoo bofret ro gandum
Bo ro mabyoh maut toni
Bofret jala
Raa remo ro Yesus rAit hawe bo smot Ait
Herodes yame Yohanes yajat
Yesus yoo boit yee kʼraa sme mabo 5000 mait
Yesus yata yamo abyõ mam aya mata
Yesus yisoh raa ro kiyam mam Genesaret
bo mafa raa ro Yahudi
Bosmot fai au ro Kanaan
Yesus yisoh raa mawat ro kiyam
Yesus yoo boit yee kʼraa sme mabo 4000 mait
Raa ro Farisi msya raa ro Saduki mayoh mawe Yesus yno bo ro msai
Ragi raa ro Farisi msya Saduki
Petrus yawe Yesus tait Mesias
Yesus ykyas bo samyoh ro meen btek mai kʼAit
Yesus yetsu haberek
Yesus yisoh ku ro kiyam ruu mber sait
Yesus ykyas bo mkair ro kbe mai kʼAit
Yesus yoo pajak Samu ro Allah yee
Awya ro yase mam raa mana ro Allah yamo Raja ybo
Raa ro misti re raa roto mno iro
Bofret domba ro marak
Soh raa wanu sait yno iro to, iso ro nisoh oh mefo
Nhaf mkair ma
Raa ro moo fnya menohe mako makus
Yesus ksoh ku mkek
Raa ro mnaut kta yoyo to, meen mkai mamos mae fee
Allah yoo boren yee kʼraa ro kro Yesus
Bi yabi yaren raa ro misoh armato ro anggur rait
Yesus ykyas yawe kbe Ait yajat
Boyoh ro Yakobus ysya Yohanes mme mayoh
Yesus yisoh raa mabo ewok ro masu mboh
Yesus twok mam Yerusalem
Yesus twok mam Samu ro Allah
Yesus ybis yawe ara mara sau mrok samer
Yesus yatak rAit mbam kʼawya
Bofret ro ku sme mabo ewok
Bofret raa ro mkah bo mam armato ro anggur sau
Bofret bokyõ ro raa moo fnya
Raa ro Farisi mtu bo kʼYesus re sanet Ait
Raa ro mhai meen mrok masen fe mfe a?
Watum ro ati toni
Mesias tait, awya oh metait?
Yesus kmo raa manes ro agama Yahudi
Raa Farisi ja miwana bo ro ati, tna mbo bo ro maku mno sai
Yesus srau kero raa ro Yerusalem
Yesus ykyas makyon sboh rau
Samu ro Allah to, meen mrok sgik
Bo kair ro meen btek mai kʼraa
Bo mkair-kar ro meen btek mai kʼraa
Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai meen yama
Hre byõ-abyõ; bi Ait yama
Sryan ro yno bo kaket ysya sryan ro yno bo kaket fee
Ku ano ro mhar bo msya ku ano ro wase bo
Bofret bi yabi ro somya bo ysya sryan wait
Meen Yesus ysok raa wAit yse mkbair sau hayah
Raa saim mawe mfot Yesus mame
Fai sau mtu minyak wangi kʼYesus yana
Yudas hren ksuk Yesus
Yesus ysya kuber wAit sohmaam bo mam korat ro Paskah
Yesus yawe wia yawe kbe Petrus ywaar Ait
Yesus skabuk mam Getsemani
Yesus raa mfot
Raa manes ro Yahudi mtu srah ro Yesus mari
Petrus ywaar Yesus
Yesus raa msan kʼPilatus
Yudas yajat
Pilatus ytu srah ro Yesus yari
Raa ro sbe nsie Yesus
Yesus raa mame
Yesus yajat
Ajat ro Yesus raa mse mam isra
Raa kmot isra ro hai
Yesus yrok yasen
Raa manes ro Yahudi mawe Yesus yrok yasen fee
Yesus ysi bo kuber wAit