The Command to Leave Horeb
Moses Appoints Leaders
Twelve Spies Sent Out
Israel’s Rebellion
Israel’s Penalty
The Defeat at Hormah
Wanderings in the Wilderness
The Defeat of Sihon
The Defeat of Og
Land Division East of the Jordan
Moses Forbidden to Cross the Jordan
An Exhortation to Obedience
A Warning against Idolatry
The LORD Alone Is God
Cities of Refuge
Introduction to the Law
The Covenant at Horeb
The Ten Commandments
Moses Intercedes for the People
The Greatest Commandment
Teach Your Children
Drive Out the Nations
The Promises of God
Remember the LORD Your God
Assurance of Victory
The Golden Calf
New Stone Tablets
A Call to Obedience
Obedience and Discipline
God’s Great Blessings
Remember God’s Words
A Blessing and a Curse
One Place for Worship
A Warning against Idolatry
Idolaters to Be Put to Death
Idolatrous Cities to Be Destroyed
Clean and Unclean Animals
Giving Tithes
The Seventh Year
Generosity in Lending and Giving
Hebrew Servants
Firstborn Animals
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
The Feast of Weeks
The Feast of Tabernacles
Judges and Justice
Forbidden Forms of Worship
Detestable Sacrifices
Purge the Idolater
Courts of Law
Guidelines for a King
Provision for Priests and Levites
Sorcery Forbidden
A Prophet Like Moses
Cities of Refuge
The Testimony of Two or Three Witnesses
Laws of Warfare
Atonement for an Unsolved Murder
Marrying a Captive Woman
Inheritance Rights of the Firstborn
A Rebellious Son
Cursed Is Anyone Hung on a Tree
Various Laws
Marriage Violations
Exclusion from the Congregation
Uncleanness in the Camp
Miscellaneous Laws
Marriage and Divorce Laws
Additional Laws
Fairness and Mercy
Widowhood and Marriage
Standard Weights and Measures
Revenge on the Amalekites
Offering Firstfruits and Tithes
Obey the LORD’s Commands
The Altar on Mount Ebal
Curses Pronounced from Ebal
The Blessings of Obedience
The Curses of Disobedience
The Covenant in Moab
The Promise of Restoration
The Choice of Life or Death
Joshua to Succeed Moses
The Reading of the Law
God Commissions Joshua
The Law Placed in the Ark
Moses Begins His Song
The Song of Moses
Moses’ Death Foretold
Moses Blesses the Twelve Tribes
The Death of Moses