*5:3 For some reason they just hoarded their wealth; they did not invest it, did not put it to work. They are doubly at fault—they acquired the wealth unjustly, and then just sat on it.
†5:3 They probably thought they were hoarding if for a future ‘rainy day’, but they were actually hoarding it against themselves at the Day of Judgment.
‡5:5 Back in the old days, when an animal was slaughtered you got to eat more than usual; things like liver, heart, tongue could not be preserved, so had to be eaten up.
§5:6 The tense of the verb changes from past to present, and I do not understand why. How can he offer resistance after he is dead? Or is this giving the rationale of the murderer, ‘might makes right’; someone who offers no resistance is like a sheep asking to be shorn.
*5:10 According to the Record, the OT prophets generally did not have an easy time of it.
†5:11 See Job 42:10-13. God gave him double what he had lost.
‡5:12 Some 5% of the Greek manuscripts read ‘judgment’ instead of ‘pretense’ (as in NIV, TEV, LB, NASB, etc.). The more we talk, the more likely we are to say things that are not precisely true.
§5:15 The implication is that the person is really sick, confined to a bed (that is why the elders have to go to him). Note that it is the faith of the elders.
*5:15 The clear implication is that some sickness is the result of sin, but not all: “and if”.
†5:16 In my own experience, praying by myself for my own healing does not always work. When I ask others to pray for me, the Lord usually answers. God likes to promote ‘mutuality’ or interdependence.
‡5:16 Just because we ourselves do not see, or are not allowed to see, an immediate result to our praying, does not mean that God is not answering. ‘The just shall live by faith’, and that includes praying.
§5:20 In spite of the demands of our doctrinal packages, I don't see how this can be referring to mere physical death. Apart from the Rapture, all Christians die physically.
*5:20 Most of the letter has been about sin, sinning and sinners, one way or another, so this is a fitting conclusion. As we help each other, it will reduce the level or incidence of sin, and therefore of the consequences thereof.