About Dr. Aiko Hormann

Aiko Hormann came to the United States in 1951 from Japan under the Foreign Student Exchange Program. She earned her degrees in mathematics at the University of Missouri, and became a Research Scientist, specializing in
Artificial Intelligence.

In the 1960's, Aiko's scientific research work was recognized through journal
publications and her biographical data has appeared in several "Who's Who" publications.

Aiko become a born again Christian in 1968, and surrendered her life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. She 'shelved' her scientific pursuits, studying the Bible with the same intensity and thoroughness as she did in her research work (this time directed by the Holy Spirit).

Later, God made her aware that all truth is from Him whether Biblical Truth or the scientific truths and discoveries, which confirm what has been in the Bible for thousands of years. This is why Aiko's favorite expression is "Science is catching up with the Bible."

God started to use her in a unique way, combining her 16 years experience in scientific research with many subsequent years (30+) of Biblical research. God showed her how to integrate these truths and discoveries in practical daily applications.

In 1982, Aiko was directed by the Lord to start training Christian leaders by conducting seminars. Aiko obeyed and the Lord has been confirming His Word with signs following. Graduates of past seminars are also experiencing the same exciting reality of God as they apply these Biblical principles.

Aiko has appeared on Scandinavian TV; interviewed by Pat Robertson on the 700 Club; has also appeared several times on TBN-TV nationwide, as well as local TV in California, Florida, Hawaii, Texas, Dr. to Dr. & Dr. Whitaker. In Canada: Trinity TV," It's a New Day" and "The Miracle Channel".

Dr. Aiko's seminars from 2006 to 2007. For more information on these seminars, click here.

For more information on Dr. Aiko's ministry, goto www.dr-aiko.com




